This version (0.8.9) of the Mythos Quickstart doc has been updated to reflect the many new changes, mostly concerning the Overview (general update), Interface (new menus/displays), Monsters (occupations, allegiences & Talk options), and Items (mostly Fired weapons)...those interested should refer to the on-line docs for the absolutely latest info, and late-breaking news can also be found in the Release Notes as well.....
These pages are designed to get you up-&-running in Mythos without having to resort to the full on-line documentation (especially if this came off a CD-ROM & you don't have a modem!)...
Also be aware that the on-line docs are the most current and complete, with the info here updated periodically; in the case of conflcting info, the Web pages are always correct (or what I think is correct)
Right now, this Mythos Quickstart is a quick-&-dirty affair, with abridged info lifted directly from the current docs...unfortuntely, no graphics are included (I'll get'em here eventually), so I hope everything makes sense without visual cues...Also I omitted detailed information about specific Items, Monsters, Rooms and such; if ya really wanna know about something, it should be on the Web pages...and if you find anything really confusing, just lemme know & I'll fix it pronto!
Locked version: Since the locked version is locked (duh!), you won't be able to build Strongholds...Simply get the Artifact from each World, and you win the game!